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7 Tips to Prepare Your Yard + Garden for Graduation

7 tips to prep your yard and garden for graduation parties and summer!

Graduation season is upon us! In the midst of tassels, gowns and teary-eyed mothers, don’t forget about your outdoor living space. If a graduation party is scheduled to unfold in your backyard, make the setting especially nice by preparing your garden with these easy tips:

  1. Clean Up and Clear Out

Your garden beds are bound to contain leftover debris, weeds, twigs and leaves from last season. Remove anything that will get in the way of fresh flowers, and mix in a layer of new soil or organic matter with the old soil.

  1. Search for Pests

If your garden contains perennial plants, inspect them carefully for snails, slugs or any other undesirables that don’t belong. Get rid of any you find and continue to examine your plants throughout the season to prevent problems before they begin.

  1. Place Mulch Around Plants

Think of mulch as the blanket that tucks your plants in at night. It insulates them from too much sunshine but also helps retain moisture by preventing runoff. If there is still mulch in your garden from last year, consider mixing it with fresh mulch for optimal effectiveness.

  1. Repair Any Fixtures

Preparing your garden isn’t just about making sure all flowers are in prime condition. Before having guests over, check that all fences, gates, archways, fountains, gnomes, etc. are free of breaks and splinters.

  1. Straighten Garden Borders

Just like with cooking, presentation is everything. Boost your garden’s overall aesthetics by giving it a neat border. An edger tool can be used to create a shallow trench along the garden rim, or if you’re feeling fancy, place stones or bricks along the edge.

  1. Disinfect Tools

Before planting any new bulbs, scrub your trowels, shears, forks and other tools with rubbing alcohol to eliminate bacteria that could hurt plants. Sharpening them will also make for simpler gardening down the road.

  1. Water Deeply

Once you have added new bulbs and flowers to your garden, water them thoroughly to settle them in. Monitor spring showers, though, to make sure the beds do not flood.

Follow these tips and your outdoor living space will be celebration-ready for your graduate’s special day!

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