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Things to do over Winter Vacation

December is almost over, the holiday season has taken over many of our lives, and for many it’s time to use up all those vacation days you’ve been saving up!  Or maybe you’re out of school for a bit and you’re only plans so far are twiddling your thumbs on the couch… While we’re never one to tell you how to spend your free time, we’ll highly recommend that you don’t waste it sitting indoors.  In case you don’t know what beautiful wintery Colorado has to offer, we’ll cover a few things that we enjoy doing.

At the top of our favorites list is skiing and snowboarding, which you probably guessed, we just wanted to make sure you knew.  Whether it’s your first time or you’re a skilled veteran, now is the time to take advantage of the white powdery stuff that you’ll find all over Colorado’s beautiful resorts.  Don’t have the equipment?  That’s fine we’ve got you covered, just stop in and let our professionals get you fitted in a new pair of boots and skis or let them get you all set up with the right Alpine skiing or snowboarding rental package that fits your needs.

If you enjoy hiking during the warm (or hot) summer months, maybe snowshoeing is up your alley.  It’s the same concept except you have the snowshoes on your feet to keep you from sinking into the white stuff.  You might be thinking to yourself, “What’s there to see if everything is covered in snow?” and to that we’d reply with “LOTS!”  Winter casts a different type of beauty on the glorious Rocky Mountains that you just can’t beat.  With snowcapped peaks and stunning Evergreens doused in fresh snow, the beauty of the backcountry during winter is truly amazing.

Most of us can remember our trips to the local sledding hill, bundled up in every piece of warm clothing mom and dad could find, climbing to top, sitting down and slowly inching forward until finally, you slip over the edge and your grin reaches from ear to ear as you fly down the hill.  You’re never too old to relive this experience, and if you have kids, you won’t regret sharing the pure joy that you experience while sliding down a well manicured sledding track you’ve spent all morning grooming.  Some of the best local sledding spots around town are Rolland Moore Park and Edora Park, so don’t use the excuse that there’s nothing nearby if there is snow on the ground.  If you can’t find any snow around town, head up to resorts like Beaver Meadows Ranch Resort, Winter Park or Copper Mountain.

Get out there and enjoy Colorado in all its wintery glory and we’ll see you out there!

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