(970) 225-1455

50+ years, Eldora Mountain Resort still one of the best in Colorado


As the season skis along, more and more people are making their way to the slopes and picking out their favorite mountains and resorts. Eldora Mountain Resort should be on your list!

Let us explain.

Drive time is no time. First of all, no one likes spending his or her time in traffic. Eldora is only about 70 miles from Fort Collins, and just 21 miles once you reach Boulder. That means there’s no sitting on the often jam packed Interstate 70. With less time on the road and in traffic that leaves more time for what you love, spending time on the slopes, not in the car.

Numbers matter. Eldora see over 300 inches of snow annually and boasts the best snow making system in Colorado. With 680 acres of skiable terrain and 11 lifts to serve the mountain, you’ll be up top in no time. Difficulty of terrain varies, with 20% Greens, 50% Blues, and 30% Blacks, giving you plenty of options to choose from for all ability levels. Plus, you’ll find terrain parks that are constantly being perfected and tweaked, giving you new features on a regular basis.

Bang for your $$$. Eldora passes can be less expensive than other resorts, making having fun on the slopes a little more affordable. Adding up the money you save on gas and the travel time you’ve saved, you’ve got more money in your wallet to come back on future days. This is perfect for those who missed out on the season pass deals or those on a budget.

All in all you can’t go wrong when you head up to Eldora for a day of fun. Give it a try and see what we are talking about!

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