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It's Not Always All About the Powder

It is well known that there are no friends on a powder day. These are the days that skiers are hounding to get first chair and fresh lines from open until close. Some might not even stop for a lunch break. After all, that’s what a squished sandwich in your pocket is for, right?

But what happens when the weather begins to warm up and the sun turns that powder into spring slush? These are the days when we are reminded that the attraction to skiing is multifaceted. It’s not always all about the fresh powder. With good friends by your side, spring skiing becomes more about the moments cherished in between each run.

There are roughly one and a half months left in the ski season. Here are some reasons to get to the slopes before the chairlifts shut down for the season:

  • Goggle Tans. Say adios to frozen snot-filled nostrils, the shiver-shake to keep warm on the chairlift, and numb fingers and toes. Soaking up the spring sun on the slopes will give you some much needed Vitamin D and a killer goggle tan.
  • Beer & Burrito Breaks. Take multiple pitstops to the bar for food and drinks or just soak up one long lunch break on a patio. Spring brings out the laid-back side of skiers.
  • Spring Slush. Keep your knees bent and enjoy the ride. The warmer snow makes for slushy turns and even more reason to stop and laugh at your friends when they fall half way down the run.
  • Spring deals! The end of the season is the best time to score sweet deals on your ski schwag.

All powder talk aside, sounds like a good way to spend your days off, right?! Don’t let the spring ski season fly by without making it up to the mountains!

Swing by Outpost Sunsport for 20% off your ski rentals to gear up for the fun!

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