(970) 225-1455

We’re thankful for you!

To say that 2020 has been a hard year would be an understatement, and we have a long eight weeks to go before this year wraps up. However, in all the turmoil and uncertainty that this has brought, we also have a lot to be thankful for.

When we closed our doors back in March due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were worried. Between a lack of business and the early closing of ski resorts throughout the state, things were looking bleak. But when we were able to open our doors again with a plethora of patio furniture, our customers came back in record numbers. We sold out of fire pits, twice.

Now, as we enter the winter season, we are hopeful that skiing and snowboarding will continue to be allowed and that we will be allowed to remain open.

Our customers and this community have been our rock through this time; without you, we would not be here today. We are always beyond thankful and grateful for your constant support, but even more so this year.


Thank you,

Randy and Nancy Morgan

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